Mark Carter Productions
Adventures in Music
January 2022
posted by Mark Carter on January 9, 2022
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
I hope you and yours had a beautiful holiday season.
Hard to believe we are off and running into a new year.
But here we are !
I had a nice Christmas evening with my daughters family.
Abbey is 3 and Jacob is 13 and they could not be closer.
We had a fantastic dinner that my daughter and her husband made.
My son and daughter and thier spouses are all very good cooks
and I have no idea where that came from….but I’m not complaining,
it’s a pretty nice gift at this stage in life.
I just finisihed working on a Smooth Jazz single with
Grammy winning producer Paul Brown.
We will be promoting it to radio in June and in the meantime
I will be working on the CD which it will be the lead off track.
So, I’m chipping away at some new music in the home studio
and looking forward to sharing it !!
In the meantime my co-write with Paul Brown and Larry Carlton
“Miles and Miles To Go” has ended up
at #20 on Billboard’s Smooth Jazz charts…..Grateful !
January 2022
8. Toasted Barrel Corona. evening
14. Private Event Corona. evening
15. Renaissance Esmeralda Indian Wells evening
20. Private Event Upland. afternoon
22.Toasted Barrel Corona. evening
29.Toasted Barrel Corona, evening
Stop by when you can…
Blessings and Love……….Mark