Mark Carter Productions
Adventures in Music
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Happy Valenetines Day !
My Solo Show on Valentines
February 14 2025 6-9 pm
Please RSVP by February 11 2025
(Very Limited Seating)
The Red Lounge Crepe Cafe
222 N Glendora Ave
Glendora CA
Come join us for romantic music and great food !
($30 minimum per person)
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Happy New Year !
I'm a bit late on this one, but the year is already off
and running, so here's a little update.
I had some time off for the Holidays which was very
nice. I have played tons of Holiday parties and I did
a few this past December as well. But I did take time to fly up to
Utah and spend Christmas with my son and his family.
I enjoyed the beautiful cold weather and even some snow
the day after Christmas.
Jason has a beautiful Siberian Huskie and
I tried to put her in my suitcase..... but oh well.
And I'm happy to report Simon and I are caught up with the lateset
Sonic movie. We were able to see Sonic 2 together on the last visit
and now Sonic 3 and patiently awaiting the next !
The next CD is coming along beautifully and I think
you will enjoy some great playing by friends old and new.
I'm still teaching guitar at home and on Facetime and Zoom.
There's some new talent on the horizon folks and
It's great that parents know the value of learning a instrument !
...And I'm working on some new places to
get out and play Mark Carter music in 2025.
So stay tuned ....Thats it for this one folks.
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA.........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !
It's been fun to look back and share my story with you all this year
and I'm looking forward to the next season in life ,
which is unfolding before my eyes.
All these years of performing 250-300 times a year
I was wondering when I was going to take the time
to make Guitar records and take the time to chronicle the music
floating in and out of my head.
The past three years I've really taken the time to
nuture that need and write and record in my studio.
I'm happy to announce my fifth CD will land in the spring of 2025
with ten new tunes I've composed.Some great musicans have put
some sweetness on this one. Looking forward to sharing it with you !
It's a good time of the year to count blessings.
Wait.....EVERYDAY is a good day to do that !
Once again I say thank you for all the love, support and friendship
through all these years. I often get calls from musicians and friends
that I've known for 30 to 40 years and enjoy sweet memories
and good conversation.What a gift !
I'm wisihing you and your's all the blessings this season
holds. May we all enjoy family and friends just a few
more minutes than usual.... The real gifts in this life.
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA.........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
I was thinking again about the High School days….
I had taken a Classical Guitar workshop at Cal State Fullerton and met a much older guitar player.He was still playing hotels with a band and I took lessons from him. He introduced me to the music of Charlie Christian and we had a great time. One night around April or May of my senior year he called and said there was a opening in a friends band and he thought I would be a good fit, But I had to take the job now and quit school. I told him I had to ask my folks. To my surprise they said it was my call, they knew where my heart was and I was ready to jump in. My teacher said the band was working alot and playing constantly. I thought about it and I passed on taking the job. I had no interest in College but I wanted to at least finish High School.At this time in higher education there were very few guitar classes at the college level. Berklee in Boston was the only thing close to what interested me, but I wanted to stay in LA. I believe Cal State Fullerton was one of the few that offered some kind of degree in Classical Guitar, which had no appeal to me. I’ve takin all kinds of seminars and lessons with some of the best guitarist in the world on my journey and as I mentioned last month there has been an incrediable variety of work for me that I have enjoyed. But not once as a working musician has anyone ever asked for my High School Diploma…. :). No complaints !!
If you are out in the desert on a Tuesday night you can catch my solo show …
November 19 2024
5:00-7:00 pm
Renaissance Esmeralda Resort
44400 Indian Wells Lane
Indian Wells CA 92210
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA………Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Last month I shared how music came into my life.
I want to go back because I forgot an important part.
There was always a guitar in the house I grew up in.
My dad and my three older brothers could play a
couple of chords at one time or another.
So the guitar was always there.
In high school I become obsessed with practicing,
everyday after school 3 or 4 hours and just enough
homework to get me through classes. By the time I was a senior
I was making money playing in a band that played military bases
on the weekends and helped the band director teach a guitar class
at the junior high.
The writing was on the wall...
I graduated in June and in October I was playing
in a restaurant with a singer in Pomona CA
The following year we put together a band and played
Holiday Inn's and the Hilton chain up and down the coast.
I was paying my bills playing the guitar.....
200-300 jobs a year for 50 years.
100's of recording sessions as a guitarist.
Churches, Weddings, Restaurants, Bars, Anniveraries,
Birthday parties, Hotels and Private Country Clubs in
Los Angeles and out to the desert.
Celebrity gigs with Englebert Humperdink,
Glen Campbell, Al Jarreau, Lee Greenwood,
Dave Koz, Roger Williams, David Foster
and live TV at the Crystal Cathedral...and more
Like any other job there's been highs and lows
but I'm grateful to still be using God's gift every week
And......There's more to come...
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA.........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
I may be repeating myself here, but I got a call recently and an old friend ask me
where music began in my life. I said, I can't remember when music was not a
part of of my life. My 3 older brothers were always blasting the radio and dancing
and acting silly. My mon loved to sing and her father was a musician, guitar teacher
and Baptist minister in Tulsa Ok. There were plenty of Sundays with fried chicken
and Gospel tunes at my grandparents house.
I did take a few lessons before we came to California at age 10,
Music was always a fun time in my family....and still is.
In junior high I met a buddy learning to play guitar and we became friends
still to this day.Learning the music of The Beatles, CCR, The Doors, Johnny Cash, The Ventures and I was buying Chet Atkins records with my paper route money.
Then one of my older brothers brought home Wes Montgomery's "Tequila"
and my listening habits changed ...
enter Kenny Burrell, Grant Green, Joe Pass, Pat Martino and more !
Music is Music and I've learned so much from so many.
I'll stop here and leave the High school adventures until next month.....
until then....
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA.........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Hope you are enjoying your summer and staying
cool folks, LA has had its share of hot ones !
I am not a morning person !
For many, many years I played late nights in
restaurants,bars,and parties.
It was not unusual to find me going to bed at 3 am.
Those days are in the rear view mirror now, but
as a result I still stay up until midnight and up by 8am.
It's a rare day for me to watch a sunrise but when I have
it's always been a special time for me.
On the new CD "Brand New Day" I wrote a tune
called "Sunrise" I think its feels like that early morning
time to me. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA.........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
I hope everyone had a nice July 4th
I had a good time rocking the seniors of Whittier CA
Nothin like waving ol’ Glory one more time .
I added a tune this year from Brooks and Dunn
“Only In America” . It’s the only tune I know
that mentions LA , NYC, and Oklahoma.
Love the lyrics…fun tune !
I had a nice visit from my life long buddy John A
last week. John and I began playing guitar together
when we were 12. His family is from MO and mine is from OK.
He ran his own furniture repair shop up
in Sacrmento and just retired to Tuscon AZ….
So there we were in the living room pickin out
old Bluegrass tunes and even some Ventures !
Music can sure take you back in a heartbeat.
Good Times !
That friendship has lasted a long time because
of our love for Music and I was thinking the other day….
How many people have I met because of Music
in my lifetime??…’s impossible to count.
What a beautiful way to connect with people,
Music….and I’m a grateful man.
Stay Healthy, Stay Blessed
Love from West Covina CA………Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Well....I'm late !
I hope everyone is staying cool out there.
I've been working on another CD and
singin the Technology Blues this month.
My recording equipment is getting older and I
decided to go shopping and dive into some new
gear. There's always a learning curve involved
with this stuff and it just takes time.
Anyways, I'm a few more steps down the line today
and thought I'd say hi.
I've been juggling all that with teaching
and private gigs...and I'm still a busy boy !
I got lot's of friends that have retired lately...
but they ain't musicians !
Stay healthy my friends
Until next time..........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Hope everyone is enjoying this nice weather
we are having here in So Cal.
I'd like to share a little about Guitar teaching the
past few years. The High School age that I teach
has almost zero interest in today's Pop music.
Most of my current students are interested in
Music Theory or Jazz Guitar studies and a bit
of Classic Rock.. My how the world has changed !
I remember back in the 80's when EVERY new
student would want to start at Eddie Van Halen :)
My current students are much more open to
any kind of music that has stood the test of time.
I shared the following story on Facebook
and its a good example of what I'm seeing....
I was playing at a local country club a couple of weeks
ago and asked for request. A young guy 12 or 13 years
old ask if I could play Polka Dots and Moonbeams
by Wes Montgomery !! I asked him how he knew that song
and he said he was playing bass in the school band.
....Yea Band Programs !!
There's nothing wrong with Billie Eillish or
Taylor Swift but there is a new generation of
music students that wants more.
The future is looking bright my friends .
The new CD "Brand New Day"
has hit 3 million streams worldwide
It's available now on YouTube and all the streaming
platforms. The next single being released ts
"Mi Senorita de San Juan"....Enjoy !
Until next time...
Stay Blessed........Mark