Mark Carter Productions
Adventures in Music
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Spring has sprung ..but not in the desert !!
I’m Rancho Mirage today and about to play at
a private country club…..It’s 93 degrees !!
I took a little spring break myself with a road
trip to see my son and his family in Utah.
Church on Easter with his wife’s family for dinner.
Shopping with the Gkids (because that’s what we do)
Jason and I snuck into to town to hear a Jazz trio
at a coffee shop and we went to a Gypsy Jazz Jam
with guitars in hand.
Nothing like playing guitar with your son !
and……he got 2 gigs out of it 🙂
My new CD “Brand New Day” has hit 2 million
streams worldwide and I couldn’t be happier.
It’s available now on YouTube and all the streaming
platforms. If you get a minute, give it a spin and
let me know what you think the next single should be.
Ok..I’m off and a runnin…ughhhhh…pickin that is !
Until next time…
Stay Blessed……..Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers Happy St Patty's Day ! Here's a thought.... Isn't it amazing that in this country we celebrate St Patty's Day AND Spring Break in the same month ?? That's some serious partying going on folks Only in America ! In March I always celebrate the birth of Wes Montgomery, one of the greatest Jazz Guitarist to walk this planet. I recently wrote and recorded another tune to honor Wes,..."Naptown" He was born in Indianapolis Indiana and laid to rest there also. This track features some incrediable Organ playing by my good buddy Jon Hartmann. You can check it out on my newest CD Brand New Day. And speaking of the new CD,... Jazz Guitar Today wrote a beautiful review of it last month and is doing an excellent job of promoting it to over 200 stations around the globe with over 1.76 Million streams in less then a month ....Grateful !!! Well, there's strings to change, lessons to write, another gig to play, some recording to work on, and tires to rotate ! Until nest time... Stay Blessed........Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Happy Valentines Day !
One of my favorite holidays… and yep
like many musicians I got the Romantic Heart.
As a matter of fact my first single off the new CD
Brand New Day is called First Love.
The title came from a friend
who heard me working on it and said “Mark,
that sounds like a young couple, with no money,
living in her mom’s house and he’s driving a
beat up old Chevy !!
It’s soooo romantic it sounds like …First Love “
That’s a pretty good scenario and
who hasn’t had a First Love ??
First Love features some Great Saxophone work
from the legendary Greg Vail !
I’m going to implement a new policy this month.
Instead of listing all of my private gigs I will just
wait until I start booking some more public gigs.
I’ve been really blessed since 2022 and have been
performing 10-15 times a month and teaching
a dozen private guitar lessons a week.
176 gigs for 2023…..I’m a grateful man !!
Feel free to email or call or 626-485-9266
Stay Blessed……..Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Happy New Year !
I’m a hoping you had a great 2023
Mine was busy with live gigs, teaching
and completing my 4th CD.
Here’s to a healthy and happy 2024 !
Number 4 is titled Brand New Day
with 10 tunes I composed and produced.
It’s loaded with lot’s of great friends and musicians:
Baba Elefante, Tony Guerrero, Jon Hartmann
Scottie Haskell,Tateng Katendig, Colin Mitchell,
Felix Nunez, Ron Otis, Greg Vail, Mark Visher,
and Darryl Williams
As most of you know I make a living playing
other peoples music and I love it .
Making my own CD’s is just another place in my heart
where I let my guitar do all the singing, which is my first love.
If you would like to join me on this part of my journey
The Mark Carter Record Store is alive and well…
Brand New Day is $15 and I’ll pay the postage.
The Boxed Set is $40 and I’ll pay the postage.
(All 4 Cd’s including:
I’ts About TIme, West Coast Groove,
Smooth As Silk and Brand New Day)
You can email or call and we can schedule a payment or 626-485-9266
I’m looking forward to placing a new single on radio
and your help will go to that part of the adventure
Stay Blessd……..Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !! Just a quick note to wish you and yours the best of this Holiday Season and a new year filled with love, joy, dreams, and a home filled with lots of music !! December 2023 Solo Shows 2 Divan restaurant Tustin 6-9 pm 3 Private event Redlands evening 7 Private event Whittier evening 9 Esmeralda Hotel Indiann Wells 6-9pm 10 Private event Los Alimitos evening 14 Private event San Dimas afternoon 15 Private event Whittier evening 20 Private event Cucamonga afternoon 20 Private event Glendora evening 21 Private event La Mirada afternoon 21 Private event Whittier evening 24 Private event Costa Mesa afternoon 30 Private event Covina afternoon Merry Christmas.......Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Happy Thanksgiving !
What a year !
I have so much to be grateful for.
Love from family, friends and work !
This year turned into one of the busiest I’ve ever had
And I’ve had a dozen music hungry guitar students
every week learning to rock the world !
I also enjoyed some nice travels to see family and friends
Utah, Arizona, and New York….fun !
And finally I’m proud to announce my 4th CD is coming around the bend.
Just a few last details and it will be ready by the first of the year.
Some great musicians jumped in on this project
and this one is self produced with some good help.
I think you’ll like the results…stay tuned .
November 2023 Solo Shows
1 Private event Covina afternoon
2 Private event Whittier evening
3 Private event Pasadena evening
8 Private event Chino afternoon
9 Private event Upland afternoon
9 Private event Whittier evening
11 Private event La Mirada evening
16 Private event San Dimas afternoon
16 Private event Whittier evening
18 Private event Glendora afternoon
22 Private event Brea afternoon
26 Private event Glendora afternoon
30 Private event Whittier afternoon
Stay Blessed…….Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
I Love NYC !!
I just got back from Manhattan. One of my very
favorite vacation spots. Lots of music, food,
theatre, jazz and friends.
I was able to meet 2 of my Zoom guitar students
in person that started in 2020…sweet, sweet people.
Nice to meet you Jessica & Paulina,
and thank you Annie for being so gracious !
I heard some great jazz guitar at Birdland
and a 9 piece horn band at Smalls.
And long time friends Jay & Becky drove in for dinner.
Too much fun !
ok….back to reality…..
October 2023 Solo Shows
8 Private event Costa Mesa afternoon
12 Private event Whittier evening
15 One and All Church San Dimas evening
18 Private event Cucamonga afternoon
19 Private event Whittier evening
21 Private event Highland Park evening
25 Private event Glendora evening
26 Private event San Dimas afternoon
26 Private event Whittier evening
28 Private event Glendora evening
29 Private event Redlands evening
31 Private event Chino afternoon
31 Private event Covina afternoon
31 Private event Covina evening
Stay Blessed…….Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Just a quick hello folks.
Hoping you had a beautiful summer.
Mine was pretty busy and filled with some great gigs.
I was talking to one of my guitar students the other day
and during a very tuff time in this world (the pandemic)
I’ve met some great kids from across this country
that want to learn the guitar on Zoom and Facetime
I am still blown away by this and their
curiosity of music and exploring the guitar.
Greatful !
Special Show……
September 17 2023
10:15 to 11:00 am and 12:15 to 1:30pm
One and All Church
1404 W. Covina Blvd.
San Dimas 91773
Outdoor Celebration playing a variety of music !
Everyone is invited for a day of fun, food, fellowship and music .
September 2023 Solo Shows
4 Private event Brea morning
4 Private event Covina afternoon
7 Private event San Dimas afternoon
10 Joanie J’s House Party Los Alamitos afternoon
14 Private event Upland afternoon
17 One and All Church San Dimas
20 Private event Cucamonga afternoon
21 Private event Whittier evening
23 Private event San Dimas evening
24 Private event Redlands evening
27 Private event Brea afternoon
28 Private event Whittier evening
Stay Blessed…….Mark
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers The Joys of Summer… My buddy since jr high just came by for a visit. John and I learned to play guitar together back then. The Ventures,The Stones, Creedence, Beatles,Johhny Cash, all that stuff was our launching pad. It was good to visit and play guitar hit the beach,have a hot dog, and solve world problems…..Safe travels John . Special Show…… Aug 5 2023 5-6 pm The Tudor House Lake Arrowhead CA My Solo Jazz show playing music from my recordings. I’m opening for Bass legend Roberto Vally . Tickets are at August 2023 Solo Shows 3 Private event Whittier evening 5 Tudor House Lake Arrowhead evening 6 Private event Costa Mesa afternoon 12 Private event Redondo Beach afternoon 16 Private event Covina afternoon 17 Private event Whittier evening 18 Private event Chino afternoon 19 Private event Lake Forest afternoon 24 Private event San Dimas afternoon 31 Private event Whittier evening Looks like a fun month..Stay Blessed…….Mark |
Hi Friends, Fans and Music Lovers
Lot’s of private gigs this month folk’s
Sooooooo it’s Story Time …
I’m a long time Tom Scott fan !
I saw him back in the 70’s at Cal State Fullerton
I bought his LA Express records and dug his playing.
Check out his name in Wiki.
Back in 2008 he saluted the great Cannonball Adderley
The same year I got a call to take my band
and play my music at a private party in Bel Air CA.
It was some party !! When the live Llamas arrived for
the kids petting zoo,…well, you get the picture.
So the band plays a set and we take a break
and I put on Tom Scott’s new release for break music.
I walk over to the bar and who is standing there
Tom Scott ! We talked and later the host asked me if
Tom could play a couple of tunes….
We were honored…What a treat for everyone !!
I just saw Tom again this past weekend at a Jazz Club
He’s still burnin’ it up…….Great Scott !!
July 2023 Solo Shows
2 Private event Glendora evening
3 Private event Covina afternoon
4 Private event Chino Hills afternoon
4 Private event San Dimas afternoon
6 Private event La Mirada afternoon
6 Private event Whittier evening
13 Private event Upland early afternoon
13 Private event Upland late afternoon
14 Private event Chino afternoon
19 Private event Cucamonga afternoon
20 Private event San Dimas afternoon
20 Private event Whittier evening
21 Private event Redondo Beach afternoon
26 Private event Brea afternoon
27 Private event Whittier early afternoon
27 Private event Whittier late afternoon
28 Private event La Mirada afternoon